Take time to reflect, refocus and plan ahead.

One day workshops with a big impact

Spend time focusing on yourself

Reconnect to your purpose and values

Create an actionable plan for the future

When did you last take time to focus on you?

For so many of us, taking time out to focus on ourselves, our values and our wellbeing rarely happens. Even when we find a small window of time, it is rarely enough to properly refocus. As individuals, as parents, as partners, it is important to allocate time to slow down and focus on ourselves, so we can move forward into the future with clarity and energy.

Our one day workshops are high-impact, and structured so that you can take a small amount of time out of your schedule to experience the greatest result. We have designed our one day workshops to support you to relax, plan for the future and gain clarity.

Values Workshop

Establish the foundations for creating an authentic life through discovering and understanding your intrinsic values.

  • Explore and discover your intrinsic values and what this means to you in order to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life
  • Bring your values to life in a deeply rewarding way
  • And if relevant …
    • Work with your significant other to understand each others values
    • Work with your team to align on values and learn how to use them to make decisions and prioritise work

Women of Wisdom (WOW)

As individuals we go through many different stages in our lives. This next stage of your journey is about you. Our WOW one day forum supports you to:

  • Identify, at a deeper level, what could truly fulfil you in this next part of your life’s journey and turn it into a reality
  • Create a life map for the next 6 months
  • Hear from a women’s health professional about building strength and vitality
  • Absorb valuable wellbeing ideas specific to you, which can easily become a new way of living – YOUR new way of living
  • Open up to acknowledging your gifts and experiences that are part of the wisdom that you carry forward

We have a limited number of places available for each workshop. For more information about dates please contact us.

Contact Us

What They’re Saying After our Workshops

My first ever retreat was a HUGE success! Being able to focus & plan with a group of likeminded, energetic & enthusiastic participants was fantastic. Hazel is a truly amazing facilitator and guide/mentor for making us a better version of ourselves

This retreat is a great reward for time invested, you will come away feeling more positive, calmer, motivated & ready for change

Enlightening, rewarding and fulfilling! I would encourage anyone wishing to find clarity in their life journey to attend

The presenters were truly AMAZING!!!! All delivered their content with such knowledge, understanding and clarity. They were patient, empathetic and supportive for those of us that required some extra guidance and support. Deeply appreciated

A wonderful opportunity to hit your ‘reset’ button and delve even deeper into what at a heart and soul level you can truly experience

I’m always so impressed with the experience that Hazel creates. I also enjoyed the extra spare time to reflect, relax and absorb the day and my feelings



Women of Wisdom Retreat: Date announced

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